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Welcome to OM YOGA

OM YOGA specially selected teachers come from a multitude of educational backgrounds and experiences. Move and flow with a series of classes designed by OM YOGA to help you well-being and transformation. We believe yoga to be more than a rigid sequence of asanas. Yoga is not just about physical postures, it's a combination of physical and mental practice. So, join us today and start your yoga journey, OM YOGA helps you with stress management, mental health, mindfulness, healthy eating, weight loss, and to enhance your flexibility and quality sleep. 

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What Our Clients Said

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YOGA, a part which includes breath control, meditation and adoption of body postures. It is very easy to hear this definition and equally difficult to do. Under the guidance of Sunny sir, he made it too easy to do for me as a slip disc patient. I was suggested to do only three to four exercises everyday by doctors. It's a dream for me to do yoga and meditate while on the floor. Here the journey begins where I started manifesting my dreams into reality with the help of Sunny Sir. Checking & my body's stiffness level and restoring it back to a healthy form. Always encouraged by his lines
                                                                  " YOU CAN DO IT
                                                                     YOU WILL DO IT
                                                                YOU HAVE DONE IT. "
Sunny sir not only cured me from my back pain but also helped me to concentrate on each of my body parts through focus on breathing and mind and taking it to a spiritual awareness. Every five day class has a pattern of calming the body then taking it to the highest level and again calming it down. Sunny sir has always explained about all the benefits of yoga poses before attempting it perfectly. No words can express my gratitude to you. Thank you for making a difference every day.




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                                 Basically, I'm a foodie. I don't want to quit any food which I eat regularly but as per Sunny sir instructions and food diet plan this helped me to eat whatever i like and I suggest OM YOGA training in power yoga is the best cardio to reduce weight and strengthen yourself! Since starting yoga it has completely transformed my life. Before yoga, I struggled with anxiety and stress, and I often felt disconnected from my body. But through the practice of yoga, I have learned to calm my mind and connect with my breath and physical sensations. Not only has yoga helped me manage my anxiety and stress, but it has also improved my overall physical health. I'm more flexible and have better posture, and especially I have even noticed a reduction in back pain that I used to experience regularly.

                                  But perhaps the most significant change I have experienced through yoga is a greater sense of peace and contentment. I feel more present in my life, and I have a deeper understanding of my own needs and values. I truly believe that yoga has helped me to become a better, more grounded person and I'm so great full for this power yoga practice.

that's all because of OM YOGA Thanks to sunny sir for your support and time.




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                     My name is Venkatesh Boddapati and I live in Columbus, USA. I have attended OM YOGA sessions. Sunny sir has been instrumental in his abilities and skills in yoga. He has expertise in yoga asanas and explains the significance of asanas. He has amazing solutions to general/common aches of different body parts with specific asanas that instantly relieve pain. His teachings are very close to orthopaedic/physiotherapeutic solutions. My example is I suffered from right knee pain and visited an ortho specialist nearby. The exercises the ortho doctor was referring to were the same as the exercises he usually teaches in his sessions since day one. After I joined OM YOGA sessions, I feel energetic, focused, flexible and I have reduced my weight as well. I would suggest everyone get his experience. Yoga sessions are working great for me so far.



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I was always thinking of starting yoga but never found a motivating trainer. Sunny sir helped me to find an active routine with yoga. His daily yoga plan fits well with my routine. He always asks about feedback about how our bodies are reacting to his exercises and modifies the daily plan accordingly. My back and neck pain due to work have been quickly relieved due to those stretches and exercises. I am happy to do these daily routine with OM YOGA and strongly recommend OM YOGA for anyone who is interested to start.




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I have enjoyed OM YOGA classes immensely. I like Sunny sir approach and explanation of the poses and I really enjoy the humour as well! Yoga has brought me physical health, an overall feeling of well-being! I am so pleased to have found your class. Highly recommended!





tasya vācakaḥ praṇavaḥ: The word expressive of Ishwara is the mystic sound 🕉️. Ishvara expresses as the primordial sound 🕉️, also known as Pranava. 🕉️ appears as a powerful mantra that is the object of profound meditation. 🕉️ is comprised of three letters in sanskrit: A, U, M. representing the union of three gods,  A = Brahma, the creator, U = vishnu, the sustainer and  M = siva, the dissolver. 🕉️ stands for the supreme Reality. It is a symbol for what was, what is, and what will be. 🕉️ represents also what lies beyond past, present and future.

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