OM YOGA specially selected teachers come from a multitude of educational backgrounds and experiences. Move and flow with a series of classes designed by OM YOGA to help you well-being and transformation. We believe yoga to be more than a rigid sequence of asanas. Yoga is not just about physical postures, it's a combination of physical and mental practice. So, join us today and start your yoga journey, OM YOGA helps you with stress management, mental health, mindfulness, healthy eating, weight loss, and to enhance your flexibility and quality sleep.
tasya vācakaḥ praṇavaḥ: The word expressive of Ishwara is the mystic sound 🕉️. Ishvara expresses as the primordial sound 🕉️, also known as Pranava. 🕉️ appears as a powerful mantra that is the object of profound meditation. 🕉️ is comprised of three letters in sanskrit: A, U, M. representing the union of three gods, A = Brahma, the creator, U = vishnu, the sustainer and M = siva, the dissolver. 🕉️ stands for the supreme Reality. It is a symbol for what was, what is, and what will be. 🕉️ represents also what lies beyond past, present and future.